Ethical Leadership
The Island Learning Trust Ethical Leadership Statement
The premise of ethical leadership at THE ISLAND LEARNING TRUST is to behave in a way that models Nolan’s Principles of Public Life, whereby a framework of values underpins decision-making. Our words, actions are designed to promote social engagement and challenge inequality and injustice. This framework protects individuals and organisations from the detrimental effects of external pressures and accountability measures: ensuring that decisions are ethical and do not compromise integrity.
Our policies reflect our ethical approach. Short term, reactionary measures are not sustainable, we aim to support leaders to focus on the long-term cohesion of the school and Trust community.
‘To do right’ is ambiguous – we can only be sure that what we choose to do is ethical – it does no harm to the emotional, physical, social and reputational well-being of individuals and schools.
At THE ISLAND LEARNING TRUST, we seek to do no harm. We strive to achieve the very best outcomes across the curriculum thereby ensuring all children make exceptional progress and leave us as confident young people, ready for the future ahead of them.
Pupil Voice
Our children play a vital role in shaping the future of the
THE ISLAND LEARNING TRUST. Each school has a school council, moving forwards two children from each of our schools will become members of our
THE ISLAND LEARNING TRUST Council: this will bring children together, facilitate connectivity, support the development of Trust identity and provide a platform for pupils to participate in decision-making across the Trust. School leaders will meet regularly with representatives from both the THE ISLAND LEARNING TRUST Council and seven school councils, to expand on their ideas and incorporate their feedback into the development of our Trust.
Parent Forum
Schools exist in and for their communities and are an integral part of strong, resilient social networks that support young people to grow and flourish. At THE ISLAND LEARNING TRUST we want our schools to ‘be the best they can be’ and build on the collective aspirations of community stakeholders so that we meet the needs of our young people socially, emotionally, physically, spiritually, culturally and academically. To do this well we have to listen; listen to the voices in our communities so that we have a deep understanding of what we do well and what still needs to be improved. We also need to listen so that we can harness the skills and expertise in our communities in order that we enrich the educational offer and connect our young people with the world beyond the school gates. To help us realise these aspirations we understand that parents have a key voice in the development and improvement of our Trust and the individual schools within it.
To facilitate a strong and meaningful engagement we plan to establish a Trust Parent Forum that meets three times a year to:
Feedback to senior leaders and trustees on the quality of education provided
Feedback on and support the formation of key policies
Develop and promote ideas and strategies for community engagement
Support the ethos and values of the trust
The Parent Forum is a consultative, advisory group with the purpose of providing support and challenge to the Trust. It does not carry any legal weighting.
Each school elects two representatives for up to two years.