Leadership Team
Debbie Rousell
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Debbie Rousell qualified as a teacher (B. Ed HONS), 28 years ago, has 19 years’ experience as a highly successful HT across 2 schools, moving both from satisfactory judgements to strongly good judgements.
Debbie is now the CEO of The Island Learning Trust with overall responsibility for MAT performance. Debbie has completed an extended CEO System Leadership Course provided by SSAT (2017) and the 5 day Tribal Ofsted training. Debbie has an established working relationship with 2 other MATs, working jointly on school improvement activities. She has worked as a consultant HT for the local Teaching School Alliance and has also provided mentor support for newly appointed HTs. Our Trust is forward thinking with a history of ambition for our children, staff and community, it is characterised by outward focused intelligent leadership.
Debbie is a passionate educationalist who is determined that all TILT schools will create a nurturing, yet ambitious learning environment that enables and challenges our young learners to become the very best they can become: raising aspirations and expectations for young people, families and communities. She champions innovative, researched based approaches to Teaching and Learning with a relentless focus on improving pupil outcomes.
Debbie is an experienced leadership coach and passionate about developing leadership capacity across the trust to build sustainability for the future. She possesses a high level of professionalism, excellent verbal and written communication skills. She is able to confidently and sensitively hold leaders to account. She is determined that high quality CPD is provided for teachers, along with a well-established coaching culture that is designed to attract, retain and develop all staff to secure outstanding and effective teams, we aim to ensure that no member of staff should have to leave for career development opportunities.
Skills: Leadership, coaching, talent spotting and development, people management, time management, communication, research based T & L, assessment, curriculum innovation, providing high quality CPD Good understanding of finance/accounts and school performance, data analysis.
Michelle Jeffery
Head of School - Minster in Sheppey Primary School
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Having been at Minster for the past 20 years, I feel extremely privileged and proud to be co Head of School here. I have always, and will continue to put my heart and soul into our school.
As a teacher, my aim was to nurture, motivate, enthuse and engage all learners and I firmly believe ‘Every child deserves a champion, an adult who insists that they become the best they can possibly be’ Rita Pierson.
Now, as a leader, I am dedicated to supporting and empowering our talented team of teachers to also reach their potential. I am determined to do the very best for the children and staff at Minster Primary School.
In my free time, I like to keep fit by walking my dog, or when feeling energetic and the weather is nice, jogging. However, my favourite pastime is definitely spending time with my family and friends, whether relaxing in the garden or being part of fun party days and lively evenings. I do think it’s all about making memories.
Lynne Lewis
Head of School - Minster in Sheppey Primary School
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I’m extremely proud to be Co-head of School at Minster and as a home-grown leader, I have enjoying being part of Minster’s growth and development. I believe that education has the capacity to transform lives, this is true of myself with my parents coming from Welsh mining stock and it is something I encourage all children to believe as well. “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” Nelson Mandela.
I first and foremost see myself as a teacher and I am passionate about facilitating and supporting pupil’s growth and enabling them to realise and meet their potential. Now as a leader I have the opportunity to work alongside a range of colleagues, supporting their personal development and ambition. Both of these aspects of my role are extremely fulfilling and the reason why I wouldn’t choose to do anything else.
I am committed to the idea of life-long learning and apply this to both my professional and personal life. I enjoy keeping up to date with educational research, listening to podcasts on the way home is a regular occurrence! When not at school, I love exploring and being part of the natural world – this is on skis, cycling or by foot. I also love live music and whenever possible will attend concerts and musicals.
Jack Allen
Head of School - Sunny Bank Primary School
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For me, the purpose of education is to deliver exciting and engaging learning experiences and to ignite and nurture the curiosity within all children, everyday. To develop confident, lifelong learners equipped with the knowledge, skills and attitude to improve the quality of their own lives.
As a leader of school improvement, I have led two improving schools, both in mutli-academy trusts, in highly deprived areas, and both with above average SEND. My first school, was a large, four form entry, inadequate school in East London. As an Assistant Headteacher, together with the leadership team and staff, we moved the school to good. My second school, was a large three form entry, inadequate school in Medway. I joined as Deputy Headteacher and for some time led as Acting Headteacher. Together as a leadership team and staff, we moved the school from inadequate in all categories to good in 4 out of 5 categories.
I joined the TILT team in 2022 and feel very privileged to be the Head of School at Sunny Bank and very proud to be a part of The Island Learning Trust. Primary schools are places of continuous renewal and development and I am passionate about school improvement. I continue to prioritise the development of strong community, exceptional curriculum and outstanding staff who care as passionately as I do about our children.