TILT supports Children in Need...
Our family of schools have been busy this week participating in lots of activities to support Children in Need! Halfway pupils have been celebrating Children in Need with the theme of 'together we can'. The children and staff kindly gave donations and in return, they came dressed in an outfit that brings them joy or that represents them as a person. This fitted in really well with their other learning themes of the week around learning together and anti-bullying week.
At Sunny Bank, our pupils have enjoyed a range of fun events including a coffee morning for parents. Today, the children had lots of fun coming into school dressed up in Pudsey clothing, funky or spotty socks and very kindly made donations to this very deserving charity.
And at Minster, our pupils also came to school expressing themselves through their clothing, including pyjamas, fancy dress and a whole host of Pudesy themed attire! The children raised and incredible £477.40, thank you all! They also watched a presentation which explained how the money helps a range of children. All children were encouraged to ‘share a smile’ and many classes participated in the Jo Wickes live PE stream. Also, throughout the day there were a range of activities including decorating biscuits, creating Pudsey collages and making Pudsey hats, complete with eye patches!
What a busy day they all had!
And who knows...it's not unheard of for the real Pudsey to make a surprise visit to see our wonderful pupils! Maybe next year...?
Thank you all for your kind donations!